FAQ: Resources & Advice

Teaching Tools

Where do Amy’s teaching tools come from?

Where does Amy get the cool tools & toys she uses for demonstrations in class?  Here’s a short list of specific tools we get asked about all the time, and some general website recommendations at the bottom…

When in doubt, this is where she shops:

Aches & Pains

“Amy, How can I manage my scoliosis with yoga?”

First I’ll mention that from basic anatomy studies it’s not possible to offer a sophisticated therapeutic plan – and that scoliosis manifests differently in each person. Even if two people have the same degrees and kinds of curvatures, their bodies will develop very different patterns around those curvatures.

I’d suggest (as I almost always do) that people start by finding the pathways of weight through the spine (which is still possible when there’s curvatures), then through the lower limbs and upper limbs.

Then look for balanced joint space in those pathways of weight . . . As we get to know how our bones relate to each other, they (the bones) often have their own contribution to the conversation about what needs to happen! And then you might be able to feel for yourself when it’s helpful to practice asymmetrically, and when symmetrically.

​ – Amy Matthews, EmbodiedAnatomy.net

“Amy, How can I fix a repetitive stress injury?”

When there’s injury from repetitive movement, knowing the anatomy is just a starting point, though the process of learning and embodying can be very helpful in understanding and changing un-helpful patterns!

There’s a million (or more) ways that a joint or muscle could be injured from repetitive movement, and so many many kinds of asana practice…

I would start from looking for at how the weight is traveling through the bones, and where balanced joint space is clear, and where it’s more challenged.

​ – Amy Matthews, EmbodiedAnatomy.net

In Person

“How can I book an in-person private session with Amy?”

Interested in a private session with Amy? In the New York City area?

Please click the link below, then click the “Contact Amy” link at the very bottom of the page. She’ll get in touch with you to talk about scheduling.

In-Person With Amy ➝

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